Legal notice

Place Bel-Air 1
Case Postale 5988
1002 Lausanne



The entire Skyline S.A.M. SA website is covered by copyright (all rights reserved). The information on the website may be changed by Skyline S.A.M. unilaterally and without prior notice.

The information and opinions contained in this website are intended exclusively for information purposes of its readers and are presented without any guarantee. Skyline S.A.M. cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the content of its website or the content of other websites to which it refers. The information contained on this website does not constitute an offer or a proposal binding on Skyline S.A.M. SA.

Use of the website and emails

In general, Skyline S.A.M. SA makes every effort to respond to emails within twenty-four hours. However, due to technical or human difficulties, a request may take longer to process.

Skyline S.A.M. SA makes every effort to ensure maximum security and confidentiality in the processing of emails. However, it is specified that, given the current state of technical knowledge, no total guarantee can be offered. Skyline S.A.M. SA therefore excludes all liability in connection with e-mail communication.